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Dreams, Difficulties, and Lessons when Creating a Trend with Poket Roket Apparel

It can be exciting creating a trend in the market. At first, you’ll become fired up, then you’ll go and tell several of your friends and relatives about your amazing idea, and then you will resort to countless hours of madness researching, self-motivating, and formulating your next plan. During these moments, every other focus vanishes.

At the end of your crazed expedition, a drastic change will take place. No longer would you be a consumer; if you’re lucky, you may even say that you’ve successfully crossed to the other side of the fence. In other words, executed your idea and trend thoroughly.

Poket Roket Apparel can happily say that they’ve created a trend, and are successfully executing it.

In 2013, Poket Roket’s founder, Curosh, was still looking through his eyes as a consumer. At the time, Curosh longed for something that wasn’t available in the market; pocket T-shirts. However, he wasn’t interested in the traditional Tee. What he had in mind were pocket T-shirts that were unique in color, style, and shape.


Curosh’s spark of contemplation would beget several questions.

“Why couldn’t I buy or find pocket T-shirts that were created on colored T-shirts, other than the standard tones of black, white and grey?”

Or even,

“Why hasn’t anyone created a pocket T-shirt where the emphasis is on the shape of the pocket and not just the print?”

Poket Roket Apparel emerged from Curosh’s unanswered questions as a consumer.

Since this point, Poket Roket’s journey became a trip of high and lows. From the simple beginnings of creating T-shirts at home to partnering with a colleague, and eventually taking the label to the next level of market differentiation, their company has successfully brought their trend to life.


As a human being in the 21st century, we all tend to think of the same risk,

“If I were to set my mind on this huge goal, could I actually achieve it?”

Curosh once had this moment in his earlier years before the launch of his clothing company. In the attempt to feed his curiosity, he decided to venture off into the unknown. However, in doing so, he was able to offer creative expression as well as the freedom it entailed.

For most companies, their goals are to achieve something of the higher caliber. However, Curosh’s ability to give back is something that continually drives him. The passing of knowledge, experience and advice are how Curosh is actively bettering the world.

Not only this, but the chance to provide opportunities for others motivates Curosh. His inspiration to give back, and to never quit throughout the process, has differentiated his clothing company from the rest.

“My yearning to not only create something for myself, but also be in the position to give back is an inspiration that makes me continue to live for today, working for tomorrow, strategizing for next month, but dreaming for the next year.”


“I don’t think you can create something from scratch without hardships or issues.”

As in any personal venture, hardship is there waiting behind each corner. However, behind hardship, we can find life’s most treasured lessons.

Curosh has learned much from the difficulties he has faced. Creating a label from scratch, as well as being able to roll with the everyday punches of making mistakes and learning from them, has heightened Curosh’s understanding of his creation.

“Learning what to do when something fails, or facing the understanding that I may have to put everything on the line both physically and mentally for the chance to create and live by my creations.”



These challenges were things Curosh would have to learn early on;  they assisted him in regards to growth and maturity. However, no matter how bad it became, whether it was a slow week or a missed opportunity, Curosh and his team refused to slow down.


With each difficulty hides an equally powerful lesson. From Curosh’s perspective, his journey has been a learning curve of coming to understand himself as well as life. In the process, he created a unique brand image.

“How you want the market and industry to perceive your label is an indirect way in how they perceive you because you are your label”

Curosh emphasizes that you cannot spend countless hours developing a business to see it grow without it mirroring traits of yourself. In regards to Poket Roket Apparel, this included how they interacted and communicated with staff and clients, how conflicts or complaints could be resolved, and whether to delegate a task to someone else if required to do so.

In addition, it is recommended that you weigh up the pros and cons of what you’re getting involved in. Whatever it may be, make sure you move forward with a smile. Try and incorporate your genuine love and enjoyment into the foundation of what you’re building. Building a foundation with these qualities will position yourself in the best direction for your success.

“There is no doubt that we all need financial abundance and security in life. However, the true trick to being abundant and secure in every aspect of life is to find the balance.”

Establishing Something Bigger than Yourself

The most understood feeling of risk is that of the gap between success and failure: whether a concept could last. However, Curosh knew this gamble of his was one he could overtake. The chance to create and live by his ambitions, while knowing he was establishing something bigger than himself, was a personal satisfaction and driving force that will never allow him to quit.

This is a concept everyone could use for motivation.

At the time, the concept of colourfully designed pocket T-shirts was not available in the Australian market. Curosh created a trend that he was truly passionate about; however, not only did he apply his driving force into establishing a trend, but he did so successfully.

It is also emphasized that most people would love to be associated with the overnight sensation; however, never stop fighting if that doesn’t happen for you immediately. For this reason, it is better to plan long term. Don’t target for today, but anticipate the best you can for what is around the corner. Continually be patient, yet confident, that your business has the very solution to the market.

Take the steps towards understanding that your idea can grow, in time, into something that not only yourself, but future generations can learn from.


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